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In this project you will find out which lubricant has the most effect on the mechanical advantage of a pulle, and which one comes closest to the calculated mechanical advantage. Plus you will investig ...

Building a website is not so hard, which is why there are so many million websites on the net. Building a quality website is another story. In this project you will design and build a science website ...

Have you ever wondered why rooms with thick curtains tend to stay warmer in the winter? If you’re interested in reducing your family’s carbon footprint or simply want to help your folks save a little ...

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the best method of seed germination among the following three soil, paper towel and cloth. Each method has three test cases for growth to gain a fuller ...

Students will learn the difference between additive and subtractive color and how they handle differently by trying to reproduce color in a magazine and color from a computer screen. The distinction b ...

Buying and selling real estate is coming back in style these days. However, most real estate websites lack certain useful features that would make the potential buyer's search more flexible, and the s ...

Design an architectural structure using live trees. The goals of this project are: To explore the possibilities of live trees in architecture. To promote greener living.It is an educational content by ...

When wireless signals leave a WiFi hotspot and travel to a computer or other wireless device, the wifi signal strength decays as it passes through air or solid objects. This is why a computer may be u ...

You've probably heard that people make money from their websites, and perhaps you've wondered how it's done. Many people don't realize that you don't have to sell anything to make money from a website ...

Bridges, frames of houses, etc. have all been made using arches in order to fully use the strength of an arch. An arch is a curved structure that supports or strengthens a building. Almost all arches ...