
2651 - 2660

Explore environment and health: Dive into the classroom discussions about the environment and health, fostering awareness of children's roles in the world. Through engaging activities on food and ...

Explore everyday materials: Uncover the secrets of everyday materials and their role in our lives. From understanding material properties to exploring their origins and transformations, this resource ...

Empower students: Learn about water conservation and pollution through engaging activities. Foster environmental consciousness and responsible habits for a sustainable future. Discover the vital role ...

Foster respect for nature: Dive into the world of plants, understanding their vital role, life cycles, and care. Through interactive activities, students develop a deeper appreciation for plants and t ...

Delve into the fascinating world of microbiology, exploring unseen organisms crucial for life on Earth. Learn about microscopes, freshwater and saltwater microscopic life, and the prevention of diseas ...

Explore the vital role of air and wind in our environment through engaging science activities. Understand air composition, differentiate between air and wind, and identify sources of air pollution. En ...

Décrire la structure de la Terre en couches avec des caractéristiques distinctives quant à sa composition, à sa rigidité et à sa température.

Expliq ...

Reconnaître l'importance du recyclage comme méthode pour réduire le volume de déchets émis.

Comprendre quels sont les comportements et actions de l'Homme q ...

Distinguer les mers des océans.

Identifier les propriétés de l'eau salée et celles de l'eau douce.

Connaître les principales utilisations de l'eau et ...

Expliquer le modèle de la tectonique des plaques.

Analyser les modèles de distribution de l'activité géologique (volcans et séismes).

Définir et repr& ...