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This project reveals (perhaps) a hidden real estate market. The goals of this project are: To increase the space efficiency of living areas. To encourage economic improvements via fresh new real estat ...

This project explores weather and climate control.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downloa ...

Study black holes. The goals of this project are: To define and illustrate the properties of black holes in space. To make predictions and calculations based on what we know about black holes.It is an ...

Long ago, the opal was considered a predictor of illness. This may sound whimsical until we understand that the opal loses its shine as temperature increases. Thus, an opal tucked under the armpit of ...

Within the earth’s crust are naturally occurring bursts of energy, which cause the sudden movement of the earth’s plates.We experience these events as earthquakes.An earthquake can be described as any ...

This project deals with virtual realities and their effect on the corresponding real-life activities they represent.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resou ...

This project explores the process of laminar flow.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downloa ...

The science of genetics began when Gregor Mendel noticed that biological variations are inherited from parent organisms as specific, discrete traits. In this project you will define and illustrate the ...

Create a camouflage display. The goals of this project are: To study the mechanisms of camouflag To illustrate the practical applications of camouflage technology.It is an educational content by ed ...

This project explores the differences (if any) between commercial brands of water. The goals of this project are: To study the differences between various brands of drinking water. To encourage the de ...