Toda a comunidade

21 - 30

Programação em blocos (arrastando blocos com mouse) para facilitar a criação de programas.

Plataforma com estratégias para envolver adolescentes e jovens nas decisões da escola e promover uma cultura de participação capaz de ampliar o engajamento, promover a aprendizagem, melhorar a educaçã ...

Depois de definir os temas de interesse dos estudantes, elabore um roteiro para as gravações. O link traz algumas sugestões.

Estar junto é mais do que estar perto! Aproveite a quarentena para se capacitar com nossos cursos, e-books e jogos.

This project explores the plus side of permanent markers.The goals of this project are: To create cool new colorful fabric pattern designs. To experiment with the mixing of colors.It is an educational ...

The project goals include estimating the number of calories stored in equal masses of frozen and canned vegetables as a means to measure the amount of stored energy the food sources contain.It is an e ...

Using common laundry stains of coffee, make up and ketchup I set out to learn which laundry detergent, Tide, Gain or Ultra Laundry Detergent worked the best at cleaning white handkerchiefs.It is an ed ...

In this experiment, we will find out whether different types of oil mix or stack on top of one another.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

hemical energy is a form of potential energy stored in matter when atoms join together to form chemical compounds. It can be released when matter undergoes a chemical change. The food that you eat pro ...

It’s commonly known that soda has a large quantity of sugar.But how much sugar is there in fruit juice?Does it matter that it’s “fresh squeezed” or that it’s “organic”? What is the purpose of these la ...