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831 - 840

This project monitors the strength of solar UV radiation during the day.The goal of the experiment is to have the student test a hypothesis about the way UV radiation varies throughout the day by coll ...

Test and compare the memorization skills of kids and adults. The goals of this project are: To conduct a valid memory test that is suitable for most age groups. To determine the differen ...

Discover how mental visualization helps our bodies to acheive physical feats like stretching.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redire ...

Test the efficiency of short-term memory.The purpose of this experiment is to determine how many things a person can hold in their short term or active memory at once.It is an educational content by e ...

I chose to study tides as my project during the summer of 2000 while I was at the Maryland Summer Science Center Horsehead Wetlands Program. One of the teachers there introduced the subject of tides t ...

This projects aims to observe products available in the school cafeteria and waste produced by these products, and to explore options for reducing the total waste produced by the school cafeteria.It i ...

In this experiment, we will see whether pianists have the tendency to type faster than non-pianists.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be ...

This experiment serves to introduce students to the conditions under which molds grow, how they can be useful to us and how their growth can be controlled. In addition, the students learn how to condu ...

In this experiment, students will discover whether a sundial is as accurate as an atomic clock when telling time. We are only going to test hours, since sundials are designed only to show hourly chang ...

Measure the vitamin content in food samples. The goals of this project are: To illustrate the ways in which vitamin content is measured. To reveal surprising facts about nutrition.It is an educationa ...