Toda a comunidade

71 - 75

Rocks are not only changed by water, wind, and ice but can also be changed by chemicals. Chemical weathering is the process by which the actual minerals that rocks are made of are changed. Chemical we ...

This experiment is done in three steps. First you'll want to see if shading your "house" will keep it cooler. Then you'll want to see if painting the "house" different colors outside affects the tempe ...

Leaves provide food and air to help a plant stay healthy and grow. Through photosynthesis, leaves turn light energy into food. Through pores, or stomata, leaves “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breath ...

Ready for some spooky Halloween paper? Here it is! This Halloween-themed paper is perfect for writing a scary story, but you’ll also love it for regular writing practice with a holiday flair. The line ...

Una serie de fichas para trabajar en la etapa de Primaria las emociones en idioma inglés: alegría (happy), decepción (disappointing), gratitud (grateful), culpa (guilty), satisfa ...