Toda a comunidade

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Determine if "double dipping” chips really spreads more germs than dipping only once per chip.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

Evaluate whether kids’ toy preferences are hardwired or develop as they grow.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the cont ...

Many people believe that astrology actually predicts the future. But does it? In this experiment, we'll put astrology to the test, and explore the relationship between what we believe happens and what ...

How easily distracted are we? In this study, you will have subjects read aloud three different sets of words that describe numbers; for one set, the word will be written in the same color ink as the w ...

In this study, you will ask students to anonymously complete an on-line Big Five personality test, and also to provide you with information about the number and birth order of children in their family ...

This project encourages the student to look for correlations between wind speed, temperature, and time of day in order to come up with an explanation about the origin of wind. The goal is to have the ...

This projects looks for a correlation between temperature and the intensity of cricket chirping. The goal is to have the student formulate and test a hypothesis about the relationship between temperat ...

When wireless signals leave a WiFi hotspot and travel to a computer or other wireless device, the wifi signal strength decays as it passes through air or solid objects. This is why a computer may be u ...

Many people are surprised that they can become sunburned on a cloudy day. While it is true that most clouds block at least some of the UV radiation from the sun, the amount that is blocked depends on ...

The earth’s climate produces large scales difference in temperature and salinity in the oceans.Water circulation patterns in the ocean are driven by temperature and salinity differences, which transla ...