Toda a comunidade

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Orthoptère: insecte broyeur à élytre mou dont les ailes postérieures sont membraneuses et pliées. Voir plus

Orthoptère - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyright © 2005-2016 - Tous droits réservés.

Ontogenèse: développement d'un individu à partir du moment où l'oeuf est fécondé jusqu'à l'état adulte. Voir plus

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Cellule: La cellule est un système hautement complexe qui est le siège d'intenses échanges d'énergie et qui présente de vastes surfaces d'interphase. Comme tout être vivant, elle assimile, grandit, se ...

Plant cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies a ...

Euglena: flagellate freshwater protozoan. It is composed of chlorophyll and has a rudimentary eye. See more

Euglena - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Bacterial cell: unicellular parasite that is neither plant nor animal. It reproduces by scissiparity, and there are a great number of different varieties. See more

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Amoeba: unicellular animal with pseudopods that lives in fresh or saltwater. See more

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Paramecium: large ciliate protozoan that lives in stagnant freshwater. See more

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Limulus: marine arthopod which lives near the shore. See more

Limulus - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Mesozoic: cold-blooded vertebrate animals, with or without legs. Their skin is covered with scales and they are usually oviparous. See more

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