Toda a comunidade

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The objective of this project is to explore what happens to the ocean and ocean life in an oil spill.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will b ...

Volcanoes are very interesting. I wanted to find out what happens inside a volcano. I have read about it and also seen some videos. I made a model of volcano to see how a chemical reaction makes a mag ...

The goal of this experiment is to learn about (1) the behavior of water and gravel in creek beds and (2) the formation of sedimentary rocks.It is an educational content by clicking on ...

ObjectiveIn many parts of the country, it seems that the weather is always changing. Where does this weather come from? Can you predict the weather for where you live by looking at what the weather is ...

Notice and track changes in trees throughout a year.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downl ...

In many parts of the world, winter temperatures drop low enough to make rivers and lakes freeze. And in those same parts of the world, where even those waters freeze, the ocean waters will not. Think ...

How many times have you peeked out the window on a rainy day and seen a rainbow (or two)? Rainbows usually only appear after the rain because the sun's rays bounce off the drops remaining in the atmos ...

Ce travail se place dans le cadre d'un projet sur le thème de la pollution des sols et du recyclage des déchets réunissant 9 classes, en partenariat avec l'Ecole des scien ...

Mme Patricia Moreau, professeure à l'école primaire Les Oliviers à Béziers (Hérault), a proposé à ses éèves de CE1 et CE2 de travailler sur le monde du vivant, de la matière et des objets, avec une at ...

– En découvrant que le bac de la fontaine du jardin de l’école était cassé, une classe de CE2 décida d’en fabriquer un nouveau. Le bac fissuré avait éparpillé plein d’éclats en plastique qui s’enfonça ...