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Bridges, frames of houses, etc. have all been made using arches in order to fully use the strength of an arch. An arch is a curved structure that supports or strengthens a building. Almost all arches ...

Future engineers, unite! Discover how to keep a sandcastle’s bridge from falling into the moat.What’s the best way to design a bridge in the sand?It is an educational content by click ...

A lever is a type of simple machine where a rigid arm is arranged around a fixed point or fulcrum. Input, the force you put in, directed into an output force. The classic example of a lever is a seesa ...

Make a DIY hovercraft that can stay afloat using air power.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want t ...

Design a compound machine using your knowledge of simple machines.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you ...

This project explores the basic physics of bridges. The goal is that the student will develop an understanding through experimentation of which shapes are the most structurally strong, and that many f ...

A pulley is a mechanical device that can be used to lift heavily objects more easily. Pulleys consist of a wheel that rotates on an axle—which is a rod through the center of the wheel—and a rope, cabl ...

We use machines every day to make our work easier. The compound machines that we use are oftentimes made up of multiple simple machines such as pulleys, levers, and inclined planes. Each simple machin ...

This project is an introductory investigation of buoyancy and the shape of different boats for different purposes. The goal is that the student will learn through their own experimentation the rea ...

Optics is a branch of physics that studies the interactions of light with objects. Microscopes, cameras and other transparent “looking devices” use lenses to change the way we see objects. Using magni ...