Toda a comunidade

31 - 40

In this experiment, we will find out whether different types of oil mix or stack on top of one another.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

hemical energy is a form of potential energy stored in matter when atoms join together to form chemical compounds. It can be released when matter undergoes a chemical change. The food that you eat pro ...

The mpemba effect can cause hot water to freeze faster than cold water.This has led to a popular kitchen myth: that the opposite is also true.Namely, that cold water boils faster than hot water.How tr ...

It’s commonly known that soda has a large quantity of sugar.But how much sugar is there in fruit juice?Does it matter that it’s “fresh squeezed” or that it’s “organic”? What is the purpose of these la ...

Learn how milk freezes into ice cream.Does the fat content of the milk affect how quickly it freezes into ice cream?What is the role of salt in the freezing process?Watch how matter turns from solid t ...

Probably, at one point or another, you have opened up a bag or box of chocolate to find that it has turned white!This is due to either fat bloom or sugar bloom—a process in which either sugar or fat s ...

L'objectif de ce projet présenté par M. Le Goudiveze et ses élèves de PS à CP de l'école primaire des Tilleuls à Évellys (Morbihan) était de suivre toutes les étapes de la démarche du chercheur pour r ...

Verre, plastique, bois, métal... les élèves s'interrogent et découvrent quelques propriétés de ces matériaux présents dans leur environnement.

Deux séquences, issues de classes différentes, pour comprendre comment l'eau s'évapore.

Il s’agit ici pour l’enseignant de chercher comment convaincre ses élèves de la matérialité de l’air à partir de situation proposée sous for ...