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When it’s raining hard, those raindrops look like they’re bouncing up and down on the sidewalk. What are they really doing, and how does the size and height each drop make it splash in different ways? ...

The mpemba effect can cause hot water to freeze faster than cold water.This has led to a popular kitchen myth: that the opposite is also true.Namely, that cold water boils faster than hot water.How tr ...

How do roots help a tree stay upright? In the tropical rainforest, some trees have roots that stick out at the base and on top of the ground called buttress roots. Do these aboveground roots help tree ...

Determine if we can readily identify objects by using all of our senses except sight.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

Soil and energy don't go together, right? One seems natural and a bit on the messy side while the other is a mysterious force that powers everything from our toasters to our cars. What two things coul ...

There’s about to be a baby boom! In this experiment, you’ll draw marbles from two different cups to create a really big pretend family of boys and girls.How did you become a boy or a girl? It happened ...

Determine which brand of microwave popcorn leaves the fewest unpopped kernelsIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the cont ...

This project determines if air pressure will cause a marshmallow to expand when heated in a microwave.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

You’re sitting under a tree on a sunny day. There are bright circles of light of light from the sun making chaotic patterns on the grass. Where do you suppose they come from? How does distance affect ...

Deserts are hot and full of sand, camels, and cacti, right? Not always! In this experiment, you’ll learn how some of the world’s toughest plants survive in cold deserts.How can a desert be cold? A des ...