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Bacterial cell: unicellular parasite that is neither plant nor animal. It reproduces by scissiparity, and there are a great number of different varieties. See more

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Amoeba: unicellular animal with pseudopods that lives in fresh or saltwater. See more

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Paramecium: large ciliate protozoan that lives in stagnant freshwater. See more

Paramecium - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Limulus: marine arthopod which lives near the shore. See more

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Mesozoic: cold-blooded vertebrate animals, with or without legs. Their skin is covered with scales and they are usually oviparous. See more

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Orthoptera: chewing insect with soft wings cases and pliable, membranous rear wings. See more

Orthoptera - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Ontogeny: development of an individual from the moment the egg is fertilized up till adulthood. See more

Ontogeny - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies and die ...

Front frame of an automobile: set of metal parts forming the framework supporting the font wheels. See more

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Types of bodies: shell forming the exterior of a car. See more

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