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11 - 20

Within the earth’s crust are naturally occurring bursts of energy, which cause the sudden movement of the earth’s plates.We experience these events as earthquakes.An earthquake can be described as any ...

Within the earth’s crust are naturally occurring bursts of energy, which cause the sudden movement of the earth’s plates. We experience these events as earthquakes. An earthquake can be described as a ...

Conservation is a relatively new concept in human history that came about as humans began to realize the effects our population growth and industrial development had on the natural world around them. ...

The thing about rain is that there’s plenty of it in the world, but it doesn’t always appear in the right place at the right time.Rainwater processing (the harvesting, purification, storage and distri ...

Observe and determine how acidity affects saltwater.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downl ...

Show how landfills generate various gases, particularly methane, that can be used to generate energy. Simultaneously, demonstrate how potentially toxic and otherwise dangerous gases form and move in l ...

Gold is a precious metal, listed on the periodic table of elements.It is the softest of all metals.In natural samples it is often found mixed with other metals, such as silver. In this project, we stu ...

Standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how closely a group of numbers (for example, temperatures) are clustered around a mean value (average temperature). When the standard deviation is smal ...

Geographic changes are changes in the earth's landscape such as the drying up of rivers or changes in plant growth. Geographic changes usually happen over great lengths of time. Factors contributing t ...

Recycling is big business. These days, much funding is available for the development of new products and technologies that simplify the recycling of everyday objects. A candle is a solid block of fuel ...