Toda a comunidade

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Tidepools are areas of seawater left behind when ocean tides come in over uneven land. When the tide recedes, the freshly saturated landscape remains deeply puddled in certain places. These deep salty ...

Student compares the water permeability of soils to understand their physical and environmental properties. What particles make up soils? What are the physical characteristics of soils? How can soil t ...

Observe and determine how acidity affects saltwater.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downl ...

Bake cookies with an oven that collects sunlight and traps heat.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you w ...

The goal of this experiment is to model the subterranean movement of water, such as takes place in caves and aquifers.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this res ...

This project allows student to build and compare the heating abilities of solar ovens.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

The project looks for a correlation between wind direction and subsequent weather patterns.The goal is to have the student develop and test a hypothesis about using a weathervane to predict the weathe ...

Este experimento sobre las energías renovables se compone de cuatro partes, cada una de las cuales se especializa en un tipo diferente de energía.

La energía eléctrica a p ...

¿Cómo se puede aprovechar la enorme cantidad de energía que irradia el sol sobre la tierra, que por día recibe más de lo que se consume en todo el mundo durante un a ...

Para la depuración del agua hay diferentes procedimientos de separación de los que vamos a conocer algunos de ellos. En todos los experimentos trabajarán en grupos de a dos o de a ...