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Utiliza esta calculadora de divisiones, para resolver la división entre dos numeros ya sean naturales o decimales, mostrando además el tipo de división (exacta o inexacta) el tota ...

¿Cómo identificar Fuentes Confiables en Internet? En este video se explica como identificar cuándo una fuente bibliográfica que proviene de Internet puede considerarse com ...

Wir stellen Ihnen einen nützlichen Online-Dreisatzrechner vor, mit dem Sie direkte und inverse Dreisatzsätze erstellen können, sowohl einfache als auch zusammengesetzte Regeln.

Podzielę się doskonałym narzędziem obliczeniowym. Jest to kalkulator pierwiastków online, przydatny zarówno dla uczniów, jak i nauczycieli.

Tynker provides everything needed to learn computer programming in a fun way. Tynker powers the creativity of over 60 million kids and serves thousands of schools and educators worldwide.

With 40+ awar ...

In this project you will find out which lubricant has the most effect on the mechanical advantage of a pulle, and which one comes closest to the calculated mechanical advantage. Plus you will investig ...

Students will learn the difference between additive and subtractive color and how they handle differently by trying to reproduce color in a magazine and color from a computer screen. The distinction b ...

Demostrate digital sensors, or circuits and how you can use them to program things or power a high amount of electricity so you can find a cheap way to charge electricity or use microcontroller techno ...

A magnetometer measures the strength and direction of magnetic fields. Its uses include detecting things submerged underground like archeological sites, shipwrecks and buried metal objects. It is also ...

Design and build a working slide projector. The goals of this project are: To design a fully functional mechanical invention. To create an interesting visual display.It is an educational content by ed ...