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341 - 350

This stand-alone module intends to provide some motivation for studying organic chemistry. The topics touch briefly on some basic organic chemistry topics and focus on various organic compounds that r ...

Chemistry concepts for high school.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).

CK-12 Chemistry - Intermediate is a NEW high school FlexBook® textbook covering Scientific Method, Matter, Atomic Structure, Elements, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry, Chemical Kinetics, Physical St ...

CK-12 Chemistry - Basic is a NEW high school FlexBook® textbook covering Scientific Method, Matter, Atomic Structure, Elements, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry, Chemical Kinetics, Physical States of ...

Understanding Biodiversity presents an overview of biodiversity, its importance and relevance to humans, all living things, and the Earth. It includes species pages and a template to engage and involv ...

Célula vegetal: la célula es un sistema muy complejo que es el centro de intercambios intensos en energía y que presenta áreas extensas de la interfase. Como todos seres vivos, la célula se nutre, cre ...

Célula: La célula es un sistema muy complejo que es el centro de intercambios intensos en energía y que presenta áreas extensas de la interfase. Como todos seres vivos, la célula se nutre, crece, se m ...

Cellule végétale: la cellule est un système hautement complexe qui est le siège d'intenses échanges d'énergie et qui présente de vastes surfaces d'interphase. Comme tout être vivant, elle se nourrit, ...

Cellule: La cellule est un système hautement complexe qui est le siège d'intenses échanges d'énergie et qui présente de vastes surfaces d'interphase. Comme tout être vivant, elle assimile, grandit, se ...

Plant cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies a ...