Toda a comunidade

1421 - 1430

This science project will help students learn about non-vascular plants, such as mosses.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...

Human beings have long looked into the cosmos and dreamed of founding new societies on the surfaces of other planets. The with this is that our biology is so specifically suited to life here on Earth ...

Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli is often considered the father of fluid mechanics, and developed a mathematical relationship between pressure and fluid flow in the 18th century. Both liquids and gase ...

Air pressure is the amount of air being forced against a surface. It's the reason why planes, birds and insects fly. It's the reason why balloons and bubbles float. In this project we find surprising ...

Students will learn about circadian rhythms. Library research will show many biological activities that occur on a 24 hour clock. Experimental research will show the circadian rhythms of exercise in s ...

Determine if dried beans from the grocery store can be grown.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether the process used to dry the beans we eat for food renders them unviable. This experim ...

Students will build their own lie detector and explore how body language and heart rate reveals if subjects are telling the truth.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

This project determines visual, olfactory, and taste differences between organic and non-organic foods, based on subjective observation.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

This experiment will evaluate if the environment that people work in affects their ability to perform mental tasks.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resour ...

Camouflage occurs everywhere in the natural world, but animal camouflage is an especially interesting phenomenon. In this amazing world, animal camouflage is carried out in many ways: in color pattern ...