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We are taught that in order to do well in school you must be attentive. However, there are no lessons in paying attention. With the surge in ADD/ADHD diagnosis it is important to develop focusing skil ...

The next “big thing” is always around the corner. From singers & actors to simple objects, fads attract attention. They elicit what is commonly referred to as a craze, mania or a phenomenon due to its ...

This experiment will evaluate if the phases of the moon impact the way people feel.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to th ...

Find out whether people think a person feels a certain way based on the color of their shirt.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether there is a connection to the color a person wears and ...

We will determine if people with cool skin tones prefer cool colors and people with warm skin tones prefer warm colors.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this re ...

Discover whether reading text on a computer screen or type on paper leads to better retention of information.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, yo ...

Find out whether people are aware of the amount of sugar found in everyday foods.The purpose of this experiment is to measure out the sugar of various foods and find out whether people can correctly d ...

It’s the day before the test, and you still have a ton to memorize! Sound familiar? Every student knows what it is like to sit down in front of a textbook and try to make the names, dates or formulas ...

It happens to everyone eventually. We innocently hand the cashier a fifty dollar bill, only to have her run a pen across the front of it and flippantly announce that it's counterfeit. In reality, it's ...

The idea for this project is to see if playing music during class helps students learn or if it distracts students from learning.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...