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CK-12's Algebra I Teacher's Edition complements CK-12’s Algebra I book that covers Equations & Functions, Real Numbers, Equations of Lines, Solving Systems of Equations & Quadratic Equations.

It is an ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Algebra I Concepts - Honors is a high-level complete high school algebra course, that cover topics rigorously. This preview version is being released in stages several chapters at a ...

Algebra I for High School

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).

CK-12’s Algebra I Second Edition is a clear presentation of algebra for the high school student. Topics include: Equations and Functions, Real Numbers, Equations of Lines, Solving Systems of Equations ...

The Teacher's Edition covers tips, common errors, enrichment, differentiated instruction and problem solving for teaching CK-12's Basic Algebra Student Edition.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Fo ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Basic Algebra FlexBook® textbook is an introduction to the algebraic topics of functions, equations, and graphs for middle-school and high-school students.

It is an educational conte ...

"Vemos información gráfica a todas horas. En la televisión, periódicos, revistas..." Con esta unidad didáctica sabremos gracias a un gráfico, con u ...

"Aunque no veamos explícitamente la antena parabólica, sí que vemos sus resultados. Su forma no es caprichosa, es la consecuencia de una ecuación de segundo grado.&quo ...

En esta unidad se estudia, álgebra y lenguaje matemático. Vas a aprender a utilizar las letras para trabajar con ellas como si fueran valores conocidos. Por medio de estos bloques:

Exp ...

Una vez comprendidas las operaciones con monomios y polinomios...Esta unidad aborda los sistemas de ecuaciones donde vamos a trabajar con dos ecuaciones y dos incógnitas a la vez. Se podr&aacut ...