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Even for the most successful websites, there's always room for improvement. Ebay, for instance, could have a search function in its completed listings section that shows ONLY items that actually sold. ...

Create a new programming language that improves on the old ones. The goals of this project are: To design a new computer programming language. To create a presentation that illustrates the features ...

A spreadsheet is a computer platform displaying cells that make up a grid of rows and columns. It's like a paper accounting worksheet with a built in editor, filing system and calculator. Common uses ...

Con esta aplicación puedes producir mapas conceptuales rápida y fácilmente. Compartirlos con amigos y colegas para trabajar en sus ideas. Da igual que estés tomando notas, ...

Kahoot es una herramienta que ayuda al profesorado a integrar el juego y la gamificación dentro del aula para fomentar la satisfacción, atención y el compromiso con el aprendizaje ...