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Determine if "double dipping” chips really spreads more germs than dipping only once per chip.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

This projects looks for a correlation between temperature and the intensity of cricket chirping. The goal is to have the student formulate and test a hypothesis about the relationship between temperat ...

This project attempts to determine whether increased levels of ultraviolet radiation are harmful to selected plants. The goal is to have the student conduct a controlled experiment to evaluate the eff ...

The project is about determining whether moths are attracted to one color of light more than others.The goal is to have the student review the literature about moths and light and then formulate and t ...

This project evaluates the abilities of goldfish to succeed at a task that requires the retention of learned behavior. The goal is to have the student develop a hypothesis about the ability of goldfis ...

In this experiment, we'll discover how and why certain parts of our bodies are more sensitive than others, and we'll learn about the receptive field, the part of a sensory neuron that feels for us.It ...

Compare different remedies for cooling the mouth after eating spicy food.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. ...

This project measures the number of Calories in algae samples obtained from different environments in order to compare the amount of oil present in each sample.The goal is to have the student test a h ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Magnets are sometimes used as therapeutics to help ease the pain of arthritis or injury, but it is not clear if they provide any benefit for users. Some scientific studies indicate that magnets may he ...