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Este libro contiene cuarenta y tres leyendas, fruto de las investigaciones del autor en el área de la literatura oral quechua y castellana del departamento de Ancash.

It is an ebook from The Internatio ...

Very abbreviated versions of the fairy tales written in verse.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of ...

"All Aboard" focuses on Charles Hardy, a member of the Boat Club, and about what happens during the second summer season of the Boat Club at Wood Lake.

It is an ebook from The International Children's ...

A book about different types of insects.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of Maryland's Human-Comp ...

Muki es un toro que evita la violencia y ayuda a las otras personas.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the Univers ...

Cuando tres zorros hambrientos deciden hacer un estofado de conejo entre todos los conejitos de una fiesta, Ralph los salva con el mejor puntapié a la pelota de fútbol que haya realizado jamàs.

It is a ...

A country boy's centennial and "Little buttons" is a juvenile fiction written by S. McAllester Osborne.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundatio ...

Este libro narra con un lenguaje sencillo y directo cómo se efectuó el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation ...

A collection of fairy tales gathered from all over the world.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of ...

Se trata de un conjunto de leyendas y relatos de los asháninkas, una etnía de la amazonía peruana. En esos cuentos el autor se ha identificado con los habitantes, sus costumbres, tradición y cultura.

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