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In this experiment you will become familiar with the properties of dry ice while creating interesting effects.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, y ...

In this experiment, students will discover whether cooking food destroys potential vitamin levels. In this case, we will be focusing on vitamin C in citrus fruits. Students can, however, extend the ex ...

Anyone who has tried to make a soft-boiled egg knows how difficult it is to perfect. Cooking time, temperature, and cooking methods all play a factor. Experimenting with soft-boiled eggs shows how hea ...

During the process of learning how different types of smoke detectors work, students will learn about ions, every day applications of radiations and how particulate matter in the air can disrupt sensi ...

Do surface tension and viscosity decrease with the increasing temperature? Is there any relation between surface tension and viscosity? The purpose of the project is to prove that as temperature incre ...

Sulfuro de plata + aluminio = plata + sulfuro de aluminio, una reacción química 'muy limpia'.

Practica este experimento de Química con una cadena de plata oscurecida, una b ...

Experimento casero para la asignatura de Física y Química de Secundaria sobre presión del aire y calor y temperatura. Para reproducirlo precisas de: un tarro de cristal con tapade ...

Con una lombarda, zumo de limón, bicarbonato y agua puedes hacer este sencillo experimento casero. Se trata una práctica de química sobre neutralización de ácidos y ...

Experimento casero de Química sobre combustión. Para realizarlo necesitas un frasco de cristal grande con tapadera, tres velas pequeñas de alturas diferentes y un mechero.

Merece l ...

'Experimento de química sobre ácidos y bases realizado con vinagre, cáscara de huevo y zumo de limón. Se produce una reacción química entre el ácid ...