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Trees use leaves to store water and nutrients. We appreciate leaves for their natural beauty, their nutritional value, the cool shade they provide on hot summer days, and the fun we have jumping from ...

The purpose of this exercise is to have students understand and appreciate the importance of firsthand observation in scientific study.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

Salt, a mineral with the main component being sodium chloride, or NaCl, has been used for millennia to help preserve food (and make it tasty!). In ancient times, salt was used as a form of currency in ...

Make a theory of how your brain takes in information. Experiment with your hearing and writing and hopefully understand how your brain functions and processes information.It is an educational content ...

Determine whether crystals can show color mixingIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download ...

In this experiment you will explore how tectonic plates move to create land and expand bodies of water.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

In this study we will determine which method of hand cleansing is the most effective. Three methods of cleansing will be tested: plain hand soap and water, anti-bacterial soap and water, anti-bacteria ...

Water, the major building block of life, sometimes has additives for health reasons. Hard wateris water that has a high amount of dissolved minerals, generally calcium carbonate or magnesium salts.Thi ...

When you send your trash to the landfill, what happens to it? It may get buried under loads of landfill waste. If some of your waste is organic material like vegetables and fruit, this means that it w ...

Manufacturers of soda have continued to experiment with different packaging if these popular drinks. They have changed the packaging in an attempt to reduce costs and to help the environment. Aluminum ...