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You grow, plants grow, and yes—rocks grow too! They just grow very slowly.The earth is made up of different rocky plates, kind of like a big jigsaw puzzle. Together, all of this rocky jigsaw puzzle is ...

The savanna is a kind of biome (a community of similar ecosystems that share the same climate) primarily made up of grasses and trees. In a savanna, the trees are more scattered than in the forest, wh ...

It’s getting hot out there! Discover the warm, wet world of the tropical rainforest as you create a tropical rainforest food web. What plants and animals form a tropical rainforest food web?It is an e ...

Some bugs are great for your garden. Can you use certain plants to attract them?When you plant insect-attracting plants, does this actually increase the number of beneficial insects in your garden?It ...

Soil is made up of different layers. How far down do you need to dig to find the soil horizon, or the place where bits of leaves and branches become soil?How deep do you need to go to find the place w ...

Get ready to chill out. In this experiment, you’ll watch ice crystals form. To get a clear view of the ice forming, you’ll create an ice viewer in your freezer!How do icicles form?It is an educational ...

In this experiment, you’ll see how sneaky weeds try to get into the forest and discover how a web of trees acts as a weed filter.How do weeds move into forests? To find out, we'll look at the populati ...

What is the best way to make DIY compost? Can you help your compost turn into soil more quickly?Does adding air to a compost bin helpfruit and vegetable scraps turn into compost more quickly?It is an ...

When you send your trash to the landfill, what happens to it? It may get buried under loads of landfill waste. If some of your waste is organic material like vegetables and fruit, this means that it w ...

You've heard all about oil spills, but can they really be that bad? After all, olive oil is delicious with Italian food and vegetable oil is in almost every yummy baking good from cookies to brownies. ...