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The objective of this experiment is to understand whether memory can be improved by doing physical activityIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Determine how people recognize words while reading. Test whether the order of letters within a word, provided the first and last letters are unchanged, will affect readers.It is an educational content ...

Many people have trouble with memorization.Some use mnemonic devices in order to help them memorize long words.Others may find longer words easier to memorize, since if you remember the first syllable ...

If a person learns to write backwards, is that person now able to read backwards?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the ...

Build your own wind tunnel to test different models of airplanesIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you w ...

The objectives of this experiments are to understand the effects of multitasking on the quality of work that is produced, and too determine whether multitasking can be done more efficiently by combini ...

Color is used in our daily lives in order to send signals—red for danger, yellow for caution, etc. Banks often use the color blue to give people a reassuring sensation. Colors can clearly evoke certai ...

There has been much debate over how sugar affects the minds of young people in America.Sugar has been banned in schools in Palo Alto, and in New York.Is sugar actually causing children to be hyperacti ...

It’s commonly known that soda has a large quantity of sugar.But how much sugar is there in fruit juice?Does it matter that it’s “fresh squeezed” or that it’s “organic”? What is the purpose of these la ...

Being a child is like starting a book.In the first five pages of a new book, you are trying to understand what world you have entered, how the characters relate to one another, and what the writing st ...