Toute la communauté

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Exploring ... We are digital! consists of 6 Augmented Reality stations that allow working on various content related to some Sustainable Development Goals from proposals that two characters, Balti and ...

Descubre nuestra unidad educativa "Aprender a Aprender", centrada en potenciar el proceso de adquisición y comprensión de información para su aplicación en divers ...

Descubre nuestra unidad educativa "Pensamiento Crítico", enfocada en potenciar las habilidades mentales esenciales para comprender, analizar, sintetizar y evaluar la informació ...

Conhecer as diferentes formas de comunicação.

Descubrir qué son as habilidades de comunicação asertiva.

Aprender a tratar os conflitos da vida cotidiana de maner ...

Conhecer a diferença entre o trabalho em equipe e trabalho em grupo.

Aprender a trabalhar em equipe.

Identificar qual é o papel e quais são as funções de cada pe ...

Unlock the power of teamwork with our unit! Learn how collaboration has shaped human history and discover its importance in solving everyday challenges. From understanding the difference between a gro ...

Empower students with critical thinking skills! Explore our 'Critical Thinking' unit, focusing on reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Foster self-confidence and curiosity for info ...

Enhance communication and problem-solving skills with our unit! Explore various forms of communication, including verbal and non-verbal, while learning to handle conflicts constructively. Develop asse ...

Unlock the secrets of effective learning with our 'Learning to Learn' unit! Discover strategies for motivation, time management, and comprehensive reading. Tailored for ages 8-12, explore dive ...

Comprendre les caractéristiques du travail d'équipe.

Démontrer le respect à toutes les personnes, sans montrer de discrimination.

Développer des attitudes de ...