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This root calculator determines the roots of numbers, including common roots such as a square root or a cubed root.

A useful calculator for solving direct and inverse rules of three. It comes with an explanation of the different types of rules of three.

A rule of three is a method to find the fourth term of a propor ...

Example of prime decomposition using 864 as the starting number. A great tool to learn how to decompose integers into prime factors. The prime factorization calculator, created, offe ...

Tynker provides everything needed to learn computer programming in a fun way. Tynker powers the creativity of over 60 million kids and serves thousands of schools and educators worldwide.

With 40+ awar ...

La meta principal que se espera alcanzar en la enseñanza del inglés digital, es que podamos dar cuenta de un ser social capaz de enfrentarse al vertiginoso mundo de la evolució ...

Kahoot es una herramienta que ayuda al profesorado a integrar el juego y la gamificación dentro del aula para fomentar la satisfacción, atención y el compromiso con el aprendizaje ...

Expertos en psicología y diseño gráfico del Real Instituto de Tecnología de Melbourne (RMIT) han desarrollado una fuente tipográfica que favorece el aprendizaje: San ...