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The project looks for a correlation between wind direction and subsequent weather patterns.The goal is to have the student develop and test a hypothesis about using a weathervane to predict the weathe ...

The objective of the project is to understand the effects of acid rain on plant growth over the short term and extrapolate the results to better understand the effects of acid rain at larger scales.It ...

Air pollution is something often experienced, rather than seen. In the most extreme cases the presence of smog can overwhelm all the senses. Air pollutants such as vehicle emissions, industrial byprod ...

The CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School Workbook complements the CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School FlexBook® resource and includes six worksheets per lesson. Worksheets contain one of the follow ...

The CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School Teacher's Edition complements the CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School FlexBook® resource covering the study of Earth - its minerals and energy resources, it ...

CK-12 Earth Science For Middle School covers the study of Earth - its minerals and energy resources, processes inside and on its surface, its past, water, weather and climate, the environment and huma ...

Earth Science concepts for middle school.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).

Projet autour du phytoplancton, s’inscrivant dans une étude globale sur la biodiversité et les équilibres des écosystèmes marins. Il a été réalisé par 43 élèves de cinquième du collège Marie Rivier de ...

22 élèves des deux classes de quatrième de l'EREA Françoise Dolto de Saint-Aubin-Le-Cloud ont élaboré un projet interdisciplinaire autour du systèm ...

Ce module, qui s'adresse aux classes de 6e EIST, conduit les élèves à réaliser la maquette d’un véhicule permettant de se déplacer sur le sol martien.