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This project measures EMF radiation from various devices in a normal household.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the co ...

This project allows student to build and compare the heating abilities of solar ovens.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

Sodium polyacrylate is the substance found in dippers and has the ability to bond with some oils to form a sponge-like material. The research aspect of this science fair project is used this material ...

Although we cannot help but create some trash living in modern society, we do have some choice in what we purchase and how we dispose of this trash. In most areas, at least some sort of recycling is a ...

The objective of this science fair project idea is to research how your choice of clothing affect how hot or cool you feel during the day.It is an educational content by clicking on t ...

The purpose of this project is to test sunscreens from the lowest number to the highest.People depend on sunscreen to protect their skin from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.People believe that a high ...

Surface tension is a property of liquids. Liquids have a limited ability – called surface tension - to resist an external force. For example, when a liquid forms a lens-shaped meniscus in a gradeuated ...

Though it is common knowledge that the average temperature increases as you move closer to the equator, many people do not understand why this is so. There are many reasons why the equatorial region e ...

Most plastics are not readily biodegradeable, especially when buried in the ground away from sources of oxygen. Many can be decomposed partially by photodecomposition in the presence of sunlight, howe ...

When we look around, we do not typically see ‘air’ so it is easy to assume that our air is clean. In reality, our atmosphere is made up of mostly invisible gases. Additionally, most air pollutants are ...