Toute la communauté

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The purpose of this project is to quantify the effect of weather- in this case temperature and humidity- on musical instruments. All musicians know that the environment affects the tone of the instrum ...

Test if most of the general population can tell whether a singer is singing from their diaphragm or from their throat.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this res ...

This experiment will evaluate if people have an accurate perception of how much personal time they spend interacting with technology.It is an educational content by clicking on the ti ...

Les élèves regardent un film de science-fiction (sur leur temps personnel) ou un extrait du film (sur le temps de classe). Ils donnent leurs idées initiales sur ce qui est vrai ou faux scientifiquemen ...

En el Colegio Patrocinio de San José ubicado en Madrid (España) se ha llevado a cabo una iniciativa basada en la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos que ha permitido q ...

Los Doctores Una Cosa Rara abren las puertas de su laboratorio para descubrir la ciencia que esconden los instrumentos de viento. Con el experimento del teléfono de yogures aprenderemos que las ...