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The project looks for a correlation between wind direction and subsequent weather patterns.The goal is to have the student develop and test a hypothesis about using a weathervane to predict the weathe ...

How many times have you peeked out the window on a rainy day and seen a rainbow (or two)? Rainbows usually only appear after the rain because the sun's rays bounce off the drops remaining in the atmos ...

Does recycled paper break down faster than new paper? Dig a hole about two inches deep and large enough to lay the pieces of paper side by side. Place the pieces in the hole and bury them with the sam ...

The objective of the project is to understand the effects of acid rain on plant growth over the short term and extrapolate the results to better understand the effects of acid rain at larger scales.It ...

Every night before you go to sleep, you probably cover up with a blanket. Did you know the Earth is also covered with a blanket? This blanket is the atmosphere. The atmosphere is made up of more layer ...

Air pollution is something often experienced, rather than seen. In the most extreme cases the presence of smog can overwhelm all the senses. Air pollutants such as vehicle emissions, industrial byprod ...

The purpose of my project is to see if adding higher levels of ethanol alcohol to gasoline decreases the run time of a motor.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of t ...

Ce projet scientifique technologique et d'éducation à l'environnement vers un développement durable a permis à des élèves de CM1, après avoir t ...

Ce travail se place dans le cadre d'un projet sur le thème de la pollution des sols et du recyclage des déchets réunissant 9 classes, en partenariat avec l'Ecole des scien ...

Le travail scientifique réalisé dans les cours doubles (CP/CE1 et CE2/CM1)de Mme Migeon-Monfurt et M. Deriennic, à l'école Paul Fort de Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, s’inscrit dans un projet artistique autou ...