Toute la communauté

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A publicação da UNICEF “Boas Práticas: Água e Saneamento nas Escolas do Semiárido” está disponível em pdf, com 64 páginas, e traz relatos de práticas de cinco municípios que desenvolveram ações que ga ...

O Google Sala de Aula ajuda alunos e professores a organizar as tarefas, aumentar a colaboração e melhorar a comunicação. Com ele, os professores podem criar turmas, distribuir tarefas, dar notas, env ...

Undime, Consed e Ministério da Educação, com apoio técnico do Movimento pela Base Nacional Comum, desenvolveram um Guia para Gestores Escolares com o objetivo de oferecer orientações para apoiar na es ...

Nesta cartilha estão presentes os 35 roteiros finalistas do II Circuito de Experimentos de Ciências nas etapas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio das escolas estaduais do Amazonas desenvolvido por professo ...

This is the teacher's guide for the Your Changing Body unit of a middle school Human Biology book.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be log ...

This is the teacher's guide for the Nervous System unit of a middle school Human Biology book.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged ...

This is the teacher's guide for the Lives of Cells unit of a middle school Human Biology book.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged ...

This is the teacher's guide for the Genetics unit of a middle school Human Biology book.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).

This is the teacher's guide of the Ecology unit for a middle school level Human Biology book.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged i ...

This is the teacher's guide for the Digestion and Nutrition unit of a middle school Human Biology book.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must b ...