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Whether they salt it, dry it, or refrigerate it, humans have been preserving food for centuries. This science project involves comparing the relative effectiveness of salt, pepper and dehydration in f ...

The objective of this experiment is to observe and determine how well your cat uses his whiskers to navigate his way through a maze.It is an educational content by clicking on the tit ...

The greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat in the atmosphere. Without the gases in the air, heat from the sun would bounce back into space. Too much gas in the air causes too much heat to be absorb ...

In this experiment, we will find out whether storing cucumbers and tomatoes in the fridge will destroy their unique flavors. We will be comparing it against unrefrigerated tomatoes and cucumbers.It is ...

One fun way to start learning about solutions is to open your refrigerator. Do you have any orange juice? Pour yourself a small glass. Do you have any soda or iced tea? Pour another small glass. Look ...

All living things have basic needs that must be met in order for them to live.The habitats for living things must provide those basic needs.If their habitat is not meeting their basic needs they will ...

Have you ever wondered how some plants can grow in warm, humidity-soaked jungles while other plants thrive in cool, crisp mountain settings? Maybe temperature doesn't affect plants, or maybe some plan ...

What do ants eat? Scientists observe animals to see what their preferences are. You can do the same with this science project by examining which foods ants love best.It is an educational content by ed ...

Peer into an underwater world. What’s on the menu in the ocean café? In this cool science fair project, discover how tiny ocean life feeds some of the largest animals on the planet.What plants and ani ...

It’s commonly believed that the counting tree ringsreveals the age (in years) of the tree itself. But countingtree rings may reveal more than just the age of a tree. This project aims to discover new ...