Toute la communauté

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Glaciers are massive bodies of ice that move across the surface of the Earth like rivers. As glaciers move they change the surface of the Earth by wearing away loose rocks and soil and depositing them ...

Produce consumable fresh water from salt water through desalination.To utilize the water cycle in the desalination process.:It is an educational content by clicking on the title of th ...

In this experiment, a student will test the benefits of turning compost to aerate it.The student will set up two compost piles with soil and yard waste and place sheets of newspaper in each pile.Over ...

Do you wonder why the weather changes all the time? Would you like to fly an airplane someday? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you need to learn how air molecules move!When we feel ...

Soil texture is determined by the relative proportion of sand, silt, clay and small rocks (pebbles) found in a given sample. Sand is gritty to the touch and the individual grains or particles can be s ...

This project aims to tell the story of Earth’s disappearing wildlife, using transparency maps.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

Evaporation is the process of water transferring from a liquid to a gas and is the primary method for water to move into the atmosphere during the water cycle. Scientists believe that the earth’s ocea ...

Plants spread their seeds far and wide in the attempt to continue the survival of their species. Many of these seeds share a “hook” design that helps them cling to a passing object and plant themselve ...

Gardeners appreciate the value of compost. Called “gardener’s gold,” it adds valuable nutrients to the soil. Many gardeners make their own compost, but others often fail because they put their food sc ...

The goal of this project is to create radiation fog to see how it forms and how environmental elements affect it. Studying fog in a bottle provides opportunities to test hypotheses such as whether lig ...