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This root calculator determines the roots of numbers, including common roots such as a square root or a cubed root.

A useful calculator for solving direct and inverse rules of three. It comes with an explanation of the different types of rules of three.

A rule of three is a method to find the fourth term of a propor ...

Example of prime decomposition using 864 as the starting number. A great tool to learn how to decompose integers into prime factors. The prime factorization calculator, created, offe ...

Enhance problem-solving skills by mastering data interpretation, multiplication strategies, and time calculations. Students engage with double-entry tables, multiplication problems, and time reading e ...

Improve in their abilities in identifying properties and elements of geometric shapes.

Analyse regularities of the numeral system, relating the name and written form of two-digit numbers.

Differen ...

Unlocking Numerical Understanding: Dive deep into number series and positional values through engaging activities. Explore number regularities, time measurements, and problem-solving strategies, foste ...

Empower students' mathematical skills through interpreting data in tables and graphs, mastering numerical sequences, and solving diverse problems. Our unit fosters critical thinking, problem-solvi ...

Know and identify the right and left positions.

Advance in the use of strategies for establishing comparisons of amounts, and evaluate and designate them.

Use criteria to compare numbers based on ...

Enhance children's understanding of measurement concepts like mass, length, and capacity through engaging problems contextualized in everyday scenarios. This unit focuses on capacity measurement, ...

Boost comprehension of time measurement and geometric concepts with engaging activities. Explore calendar reading, calculation strategies, geometric shapes, and introductory multiplication problems. O ...