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Is the glass half full or half empty? When speaking in terms of matter the glass is always full. A drinking glass without water is said to be “empty”. However, air within the glass is the matter that ...

Magnets are everywhere in our everyday lives! Hard drives that store data in your computer are coated with a magnetic material, the speakers in your headphones are powered by magnets, and your refrige ...

When contact between two generates friction, a static charge can result because electrons might get stripped off of one surface and transported onto another. When you touch an object with a static ch ...

The air pressure project is designed to teach students the concept of air pressure in a fun way. The goals of the air pressure project are to engage students in a fun activity while teaching them the ...

The goal of this experiment is to learn about radio waves. As they learn about the multiple sources of these waves and how difficult it is to block them, students will gain an appreciation of the pro ...

Electricity makes our lives easier by powering our lights, refrigerators, and even some cars! Electricity can travel around in systems called circuits, which carry current—a stream of flowing electron ...

Create a visual model of what happens to sound waves as a car passes by.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. ...

Light, a form of electromagnetic radiation, travels in waves. The range of the electromagnetic spectrum we can see is called visible light.Light intensity is a measure of the average power associated ...

Imagine that your plane has crash landed on a desert island. You don’t have a working clock, so you can’t tell when afternoon teatime is! You set out to make yourself a clock. The plane was carrying a ...

This science project demonstrates how static electricity can cause an object to move. It also examines just how an object affected by static electricity will move.It is an educational content by educa ...