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La regla de tres es una forma de resolver problemas matemáticos que involucran proporciones. Imagina que tienes dos cantidades que están relacionadas entre sí, y quieres encontrar ...

Con esta simulación de Phet Colorado podrás:

Describir cómo el concepto de densidad se relaciona con la masa y el volumen del objeto.

Explicar cómo los objetos de masa s ...

Conteúdo originalmente publicado em Recurso educativo que mostra como construir um calorímetro e uma lamparina e simular um sistema ...

The objective of this experiment is to understand whether memory can be improved by doing physical activityIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Lean about what makes a bird waterproof (hint – it is not the oil gland), and how oil affects a bird’s waterproofing. With more in depth research, the student will learn how else oil affects the bird, ...

Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These compounds are used to produce energy by living things. Sugars, starches, glycogen and cellulose are all carbohydrates ...

Determine whether dogs can be trained faster using a food reward or praise.The purpose of this experiment is to see if rewarding wanted behaviors is best achieved through praise or a food reward. Most ...

In this project you will find out which lubricant has the most effect on the mechanical advantage of a pulle, and which one comes closest to the calculated mechanical advantage. Plus you will investig ...

Observe the surface of a balloon as it pops.The purpose of this experiment is to see what happens to the surface of a balloon in the moment of its explosion.It is an educational content by education.c ...

In this experiment, you will be determining the distribution of darts around a bull’s eye so that it simulates the probability of an electron being its own cloud of electrons.It is an educational cont ...