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The basic form of a snail shell has many interesting features.The spiraling interior is well insulated, and it seems to contain a lot of volume in a relatively small dimensional space.There are no cor ...

Tire homes are all the rage these days. They are considered a handy, eco-friendly way of hiding billions of unsightly used tires. Dirt-filled tires provide a super-strong frame and foundation. They ca ...

An engine, also known as a motor, is a device that is designed to convert energy into motion. Typical engines are powered by heat, compressed air or elasticity. Building your first car engine requires ...

This project will examine the actual cost of three household light bulbs by testing energy consumption.IntroductionIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resour ...

¿Qué peso crees que puede soportar un huevo sin romperse? Puedes comprobarlo visualizando este sencillo experimento que trata de estructuras y resistencia.

Una sugerencia, lee la explicac ...

Hace casi un año que Manuel Díaz Escalera nos regalaba este sencillo experimento de física para conmemorar el tercer cumpleaños de su magnífico blog, fq-experimentos ...