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This project explores the properties of circles and the nature of pi.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If ...

Measurements determine quantities. A ruler measure distance. A scale measures weight. A clock measures time. Qualitative measurements are also useful, determining intangibles like color brightness, me ...

Although an in-depth study of fractals was not possible before computers, the theory is not totally new. Helge von Koch, a Swedish mathematician, discovered a fractal in the early 20th Century, and no ...

The parallax is a mathematical construct that is used to measure the distances of faraway objects like the moon and stars. It is defined as the difference between the apparent locations of an object v ...

CK-12’s Trigonometry Concepts is an introduction to trigonometry for the high school student. Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar Equations & Complex Nu ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Trigonometry FlexBook® textbook is an introduction to trigonometry for the high school student. Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar E ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Algebra II with Trigonometry Concepts is a collection of concepts that expands on the algebraic topics of functions, equations, and graphs for high-school students.

It is an ed ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Algebra II with Trigonometry FlexBook® textbook is an expansion on the algebraic topics of functions, equations, and graphs for high-school students.

It is an educational content of ...

Aprende las razones trigonométricas.

Razones trigonométricas es un contenido didáctico de Sangakoo. En este espacio hallarás materiales didácticos para Matemá ...

Aprende a resolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales.

Sistemas de ecuaciones lineales n x m es un contenido didáctico de Sangakoo, una red social que te ayuda a aprender Matemáticas.