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Tie a pencil to a thread and use it to measure the power of wind in different rooms and in different times of the day. Take notes. On which side of the house would you put a windmill? Is there more w ...

Measure how strong the wind blows.Here is a simple wind gauge for use in breezes. It will indicate direction and relative speeds. Use the wind gauge to find out where the wind blows strongest. Compare ...

Learn about how tsunami waves travel around an island.The purpose of this experiment is to generate a pretend tsunami wave in a swimming pool in order to find how it travels to and around an island.It ...

This project explores how much one family can reduce the amount of garbage they accumulate over a three week period.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resou ...

Anders Celsius created the first centigrade scale for measuring temperature in 1742. See how centigrade and Fahrenheit work, and their relationship to each other.sIt is an educational content by educa ...

Determine the effect of tank size on the growth rate of freshwater fish. The goals of this project are: To test tank size against growth rates in freshwatefish. Objectives: To provide information t ...

Seismic waves travel through the earth during an earthquake. They occur when stress at a plate or other regions on the earth is released. Waves that travel through the crust are called surface waves. ...

Students will learn how astringent, mealy, hard fruits become sweet, soft, and aromatic. Through research work, they will learn about the ripening process. Through experimental work, they will analyze ...

Students will learn about circadian rhythms. Library research will show many biological activities that occur on a 24 hour clock. Experimental research will show the circadian rhythms of exercise in s ...

This project monitors the strength of solar UV radiation during the day.The goal of the experiment is to have the student test a hypothesis about the way UV radiation varies throughout the day by coll ...