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Study the lipase-bile relationship in the digestion of fats and oilsIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If y ...

Make three different saturated solutions and see how different minerals form crystals over time.:It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be re ...

This project measures the number of Calories in algae samples obtained from different environments in order to compare the amount of oil present in each sample.The goal is to have the student test a h ...

Students will find out which is the best way to get rid of water stains (stains caused by just water) on fabric.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, ...

See if an LED light can be powered by vegetables and/or fruits.The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether there is enough energy stored in a fruit or a vegetable to power an LED light. Thi ...

Student finds and identifies invertebrates in soil samples to determine which soil has greater biological activity. What organisms are found in soil? What are nematodes? What role do nematodes play in ...

Ffind out why musical notes are at the exact pitch they are. The purpose of this experiment is to learn if there is a reason that musical notes are at the pitches they are. This experiment is designe ...

In this experiment, you will find out how human error can cause faults in any science task. This includes experiments conducted by famous scientists also.It is an educational content by ...

Acid rain is becoming more and more of a for our world. Outside of industrial pollutants, like nitrogenous and sulfuric oxides, even excess carbon dioxide can affect the pH of rainwater. One question ...

This science project determines the relationship between the speed of a sound and the temperature of the air it passes through.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...