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Does your grass like to have a top hat, or does it turn a little yellow at the thought? Are you in the dark about what plants need to grow well? Add and subtract light from your lawn and see if the gr ...

The lens of the eye bends light so that the light can enter the eye through the pupil. After entering the eye, light passes through the vitreous body – which most people think of as the eyeball. The r ...

This science project examines whether males or females are more likely to have a higher center of gravity.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you w ...

There are three types of rocks-igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Each rock is formed through different processes and made up of varying. Igneous rocks are formed through the cooling of melted whi ...

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can, however, be transformed from one form to another. One type of energy that we are most familiar with is kine ...

Test water to tell if it has salt content without having to drink it first. Is there salt in your water? You can easily test this doing a simple science fair experiment. Salt acts as a conductor. That ...

En este documento se encuentran las instrucciones para el profesorado de un experimento eléctrico compuesto por dos apartados:

Experimento parcial A5.1 Células solares

Experimento parc ...

Este experimento sobre las energías renovables se compone de cuatro partes, cada una de las cuales se especializa en un tipo diferente de energía.

La energía eléctrica a p ...

La madre llega a casa luego de hacer compras y ha traído nuevos cuadernos para Ben y Mia. “El papel se ve muy diferente” Mia observa asombrada. Ben le aclara a su hermana menor: &ld ...

La contaminación del aire pone en peligro la salud de las personas y de los animales. También el mundo vegetal sufre bajo los efectos del aire contaminado. Las sustancias contaminantes ...