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It’s hard to believe, but the tiny grains of sand you see at the beach were once part of giant boulders. Over many years, these huge rocks were broken down into smaller pieces in a process called weat ...

What’s going on in your garden? Study different areas of your backyard to see which is the most diverse.Compare the biodiversity in a square of lawn, forest, and home garden. Which one has the largest ...

The water cycle describes the flow of water on Earth. The biggest stock of water on Earth is in the oceans. While there are many small processes in the water cycle that help water get from one place t ...

The goal of these experiments is to learn about how temperature affects density – and how in turn this affects affect the behavior of gases. Students will consider the meteorological implications of w ...

You might notice that winter forecasts of a foot or more snow are fairly common. This is very different from rain forecasts. Even in rainy areas, single rainstorms that top five inches are unusual. If ...

Learn about how the global conveyor transports ocean water around the world.The purpose of this experiment is to simulate the global conveyor on a small scale and to observe the effects of wind, densi ...

Students make their own rain gauge to measure rainfall. How is rainfall measured?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the ...

Tie a pencil to a thread and use it to measure the power of wind in different rooms and in different times of the day. Take notes. On which side of the house would you put a windmill? Is there more w ...

Measure how strong the wind blows.Here is a simple wind gauge for use in breezes. It will indicate direction and relative speeds. Use the wind gauge to find out where the wind blows strongest. Compare ...

The goal of this experiment is to learn how acid rain forms, and explore how acid rain damages the environment.By measuring the acidity of rain water in their environment, students will learn just how ...