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This science project will demonstrate how starches are converted to sugar during mastication and salivation.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Determine the effect of tank size on the growth rate of freshwater fish. The goals of this project are: To test tank size against growth rates in freshwatefish. Objectives: To provide information t ...

Seismic waves travel through the earth during an earthquake. They occur when stress at a plate or other regions on the earth is released. Waves that travel through the crust are called surface waves. ...

Students will learn how astringent, mealy, hard fruits become sweet, soft, and aromatic. Through research work, they will learn about the ripening process. Through experimental work, they will analyze ...

All are made up of atoms or molecules that are in constant motion. As a material is heated, the atomic or molecular vibrations become larger and the temperature increases. When sufficient heat is abs ...

Many food lovers are getting worried about the amount of preservatives and chemicals found in their everyday meals, now that these additives have been proved to be harmful to our health. In order to s ...

Students will learn about circadian rhythms. Library research will show many biological activities that occur on a 24 hour clock. Experimental research will show the circadian rhythms of exercise in s ...

Students will build their own lie detector and explore how body language and heart rate reveals if subjects are telling the truth.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

This experiment will evaluate if the environment that people work in affects their ability to perform mental tasks.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resour ...

Your mission—if you choose to accept it—is to construct a parachute that will deliver an egg safely to the ground when dropped. No fancy allowed! You can only use familiar household items like plasti ...