Toda la comunidad

31 - 40

This project explores the properties of circles and the nature of pi.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If ...

Determine how proficient you are at making estimations and learn how to make more reasonable estimates.​It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wil ...

Measurements determine quantities. A ruler measure distance. A scale measures weight. A clock measures time. Qualitative measurements are also useful, determining intangibles like color brightness, me ...

Although an in-depth study of fractals was not possible before computers, the theory is not totally new. Helge von Koch, a Swedish mathematician, discovered a fractal in the early 20th Century, and no ...

Sound is a neat thing. It’s really just vibrations in the air, but with it you can hear music, speech, movements, actions, trains, planes, and cars. Sound is often measured by its frequency. Frequency ...

The parallax is a mathematical construct that is used to measure the distances of faraway objects like the moon and stars. It is defined as the difference between the apparent locations of an object v ...

22 élèves des deux classes de quatrième de l'EREA Françoise Dolto de Saint-Aubin-Le-Cloud ont élaboré un projet interdisciplinaire autour du systèm ...

Ce module, qui s'adresse aux classes de 6e EIST, conduit les élèves à réaliser la maquette d’un véhicule permettant de se déplacer sur le sol martien.

Cette progression annuelle, destinée aux professeurs de classes de 6e EIST, est centrée autour d'un voyage vers Mars.

La classe a créé un jardin à côté de l'école. Grâce à ce projet dont ils ont été les instigateurs et les acteurs, les enfants on ...