Toda la comunidad

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The project looks for a correlation between wind direction and subsequent weather patterns.The goal is to have the student develop and test a hypothesis about using a weathervane to predict the weathe ...

The purpose of this science project is to determine how wind speed affects the stability of a kite and the ease of getting it into the air.It is an educational content by clicking on ...

In this experiment, students will discover whether cooking food destroys potential vitamin levels. In this case, we will be focusing on vitamin C in citrus fruits. Students can, however, extend the ex ...

Anyone who has tried to make a soft-boiled egg knows how difficult it is to perfect. Cooking time, temperature, and cooking methods all play a factor. Experimenting with soft-boiled eggs shows how hea ...

We will test whether it is true that humans are taller right after they wake up in the morning than later during the day/night.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

Find out what happens when the fudge crystallizes at different temperatures.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the conte ...

Test water to tell if it has salt content without having to drink it first. Is there salt in your water? You can easily test this doing a simple science fair experiment. Salt acts as a conductor. That ...

Les élèves regardent un film de science-fiction (sur leur temps personnel) ou un extrait du film (sur le temps de classe). Ils donnent leurs idées initiales sur ce qui est vrai ou faux scientifiquemen ...

Projet autour du phytoplancton, s’inscrivant dans une étude globale sur la biodiversité et les équilibres des écosystèmes marins. Il a été réalisé par 43 élèves de cinquième du collège Marie Rivier de ...

Nous vous proposons trois activités de classe clefs en main, qui vous permettront de réfléchir avec vos élèves à l’attention et à ses limites.