Toda la comunidad

11 - 20

Benford's Law, also called the first-digit law, describes how in lists of numbers from many everyday sources of data, the leading digit is distributed in a specific, predictable way. This experiment w ...

Parents often wish their kids would not spend so much time playing video games. How cool would it be if a video game taught the basics of a trade or profession, without sacrificing the fun factor? Thi ...

Even for the most successful websites, there's always room for improvement. Ebay, for instance, could have a search function in its completed listings section that shows ONLY items that actually sold. ...

Create a new programming language that improves on the old ones. The goals of this project are: To design a new computer programming language. To create a presentation that illustrates the features ...

A spreadsheet is a computer platform displaying cells that make up a grid of rows and columns. It's like a paper accounting worksheet with a built in editor, filing system and calculator. Common uses ...

En esta unidad (nivel 4ºESO) se tratan, Word, Excel, Access.

"Word es el procesador de textos incluido en el paquete de Office, que nos va a permitir redactar informes, escribir cartas, real ...

Tema 3 del bloque: Electrónica y nuevos avances tecnológicos en el campo de la comunicación de Educación Secundaria para adultos (Ámbito Científico Tecnol&oac ...

En la actualidad los ordenadores permiten establecer una comunicación directa entre personas o grupos de personas, dan acceso a periódicos digitales, realizan comunicaciones telefó ...

En esta unidad (nivel 4ºESO) se tratan, la imagen, vídeo y audio, la Obtención de archivos multimedia, la edición y almacenamiento del multimedia.

"Cuando hacemos una fot ...

En esta unidad (nivel 4ºESO) se tratan, la historia de la Informática, medidas de Capacidad. Hardware y Software, elementos de un puesto informático, concepto de red y conexiones m ...