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Determine whether lettuce that is harvested gradeually yields more produce than lettuce that is harvested all at once.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this res ...

This experiment will investigate whether smell can be used to enhance test subjects’ memories.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

The objective of this experiment is to identify which types of people are most impacted by the McCollough effect.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource ...

This experiment will evaluate if the temperature of the environment that you work in affects your ability to perform mental tasks.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

Ripening is the process by which fruits become tastier. Ripening softens and sweetens the fruit to make it more palatable. Some fruits continue ripening after being picked, while other fruits do not. ...

Bridges, frames of houses, etc. have all been made using arches in order to fully use the strength of an arch. An arch is a curved structure that supports or strengthens a building. Almost all arches ...

Queenstown Creek and its environment have made very noticeable changes over the past fifteen years. The land has been rural for a very long time. The residential areas have enlarged considerably in th ...

Determine which foods pack more nutrients into less calories.The purpose of this experiment is to learn about the foods that you eat and to learn which ones are healthier choices.It is an educational ...

Determine the effects of different substances such as road salt, calcium chloride, sand, kitty litter, calcium magnesium acetate and Safe Paw (a commercial eco-friendly product) on melting ice while p ...

As technology advances, there has been a shift in how people obtain information. People used to exclusively obtain information by reading from paper, but now consumers also peruse internet articles on ...